Without Sin

It's an Art Gallery in the making.

My Photo
Location: Monte Vista, Southern Colorado

I'm a middle aged, childless, balding, slightly chubby around the middle, wrinkled man who is polyamorous, passionate, friendly and hates to use the phone. I laugh out loud, scream at god and chaos, cry quietly, and always always always believe that people are good and worthy. Except George Bush and his ilk. They're just evil.

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Rip and tear.

It's funny. The word is funny..... tear. I can say, "I'm going to tear out that wall", or you can say, "there's a tear in my eye". Today I did both. :)

Today at the gallery there was a nice 20 yard rolloff dumpster just waiting to be filled. We managed about half. Of course I decided to start the day with a bang. There's this door that the previous owners had walled up, and I've always wanted to open it back up. So.... first thing....... I took a run at it from across the room and hit it with all I had.

I bounced.

Ten feet.

Then I landed in a heap on a badly twisted ankle. Funny part? Just after I hit it and began flying backward I heard my friend Roger say, "I wouldn't do that". :) I laid there for a minute, or two, until I had feeling in the ankle again. That's when I noticed the horrible pain in my left side ribs. I finally got up. Then I went over to my house and got some advil, an ankle brace, a wrist brace and went back to work.

All in all 5 people showed up to help. I'll post some pics tomorrow probably on my flicker account. We tore out all the stuff in the laundry room, including the subfloor. We tore out the ceilings in the downstairs and some of the wall stuff.

They went home about 12:30, Crystal brought pizza for everyone around 1. It was kinda funny. I ate good, not much more to say about it. Then I went back to work.

I went upstairs and started ripping on the interior walls that need to go out of the house. Before I ended up falling down tired I got all the drywall pulled out, and all the first cover off the ceilings. Tomorrow morning I'll suit up in a hazmat suit, mask and goggles and pull all the lathe outta the ceilings. It should be huge dirty fun. Then we can finish filling up the dumpster.

I can hardly wait.
