Without Sin

It's an Art Gallery in the making.

My Photo
Location: Monte Vista, Southern Colorado

I'm a middle aged, childless, balding, slightly chubby around the middle, wrinkled man who is polyamorous, passionate, friendly and hates to use the phone. I laugh out loud, scream at god and chaos, cry quietly, and always always always believe that people are good and worthy. Except George Bush and his ilk. They're just evil.

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Another weekend to work

More drywall today. Crystal and I got the ceiling done last weekend. This weekend we'll hope to get the stuff up on the walls so that I can put up the door and put in some heat so that Pablo can tape and texture. Once he's done with that I can move lots of stuff in and set up the cabinets! I have a ventless heater for one spot but I'll have to come up with another heater for either the kitchen or garage. The wood stove seems to be keeping up so far over there, and last week I got a couple windows fixed. There are lots of windows yet to fix, but now there are no large gaping holes to the outside and that's a good thing!

Back to work!


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